Congratulations, Maura!


We would like to congratulate our Principal + Co-Founder, Maura Rockcastle, on her 9th anniversary with TEN x TEN!

Maura has shared her favorite parts of working for TxT, along with some other fun facts:

For me, the most fulfilling moments supporting the work of TEN x TEN are relational – spending time connecting with teammates, partners, collaborators, and clients that pour their hearts into the projects we work on together. I am often blown away by the creativity, thoughtfulness, and passion that shows up in this space. Whether it’s working on experiments in the field, drawing together, co-writing about ideas, or working through complexity in myriad spreadsheets – people and relationships bring me so much joy in this work.

What is your favorite natural landscape feature? I love evidence of microclimates – small moments of intense localized conditions that can be seen and felt.

What is your favorite Spring activity? I love working in my garden in the Spring and tracking the changes year after year. Tending, caring, forgetting/remembering, and delight.

What is the best book you’ve read recently? I recently re-read the Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion. It sets loose a torrential storm of emotion that is somehow grounding.

Thank you for all you do, Maura, and we’re so grateful to have you with us!