Graphic by Andrea Chronopoulos.

How to Make the Most of Covid Winter

by Alexandra Lange, Bloomberg CityLab

Published September 11, 2020

Featuring Maura Rockcastle, PLA, ASLA

Don’t write off the darkest season just yet. Even with colder weather and shorter days, it’s still possible to plan for pandemic-safe outdoor fun.

In Victorian England, the baked potato had dual purposes. Sold from street-side “cans” — metal boxes on four legs, with charcoal-fueled fire pots within — the potatoes could be used as hand-warmers when tucked inside a mitten or muff, or body warmers when consumed on the spot as a hot and filling snack. Potato sellers by the hundreds set up cans on London streets, selling their wares from August to April, as ubiquitous as today’s ice cream trucks but serving the opposite season…

Read the entire article here.