Congratulations, Rachel!


We would like to congratulate our Associate, Rachel Valenziano (left), on her 3rd anniversary with TEN x TEN!

Rachel has shared her favorite parts of working for TxT, along with some other fun facts:

What I love about TxT is the space that’s provided to explore my own creative practice. We think about and see sites as complex beings with histories and stories to discover and steward.

What inspired you to pursue landscape architecture as a career? Landscape architecture is expansive, it melds science and art, and spans local to global scales. There are so many ways to find your niche and do work that is meaningful and satisfying.

What is your favorite rock? My favorite rock is Platteville Limestone. Its cloudy hues and soft texture appear everywhere throughout natural and built spaces around the Twin Cities. I’ve got a crumbling Platteville Limestone wall in my backyard and it’s just the best!  

What do you enjoy doing outside of work? Outside of work I spend time doing yoga and going on walks. You’ll also find me at the grocery store shopping for my next cooking project.

Thank you for all you do, Rachel, and we’re so grateful to have you with us!